ALIVE out now!
Die Band um den Gitarristen Leo Leoni erregte Aufmerksamkeit als sie das Frühwerk von Leos Mutterband GOTTHARD neu live interpretierte und von Anfang an großen Erfolg hatte.Inzwischen ist die mit dem Star-Vokalisten Eugene Pushpepa, Igor Gianola (langjähriger Gitarrist bei U.D.O.) Bassist Mila Merker (Soulline) und Alex Motta an den Drums hochkarätige Power-Quartett bereits bei ihrem dritten Album angekommen, das Nr. 2 in den Schweizer Charts wurde und auch in Deutschland hoch chartete.CoreLeoni stehen in den Startlöchern für ausgewählte Rock-Festivals und Shows im Herbst - ein neues Live-Album ist gerade am Entstehen.
Founder, GOTTHARD’s guitarist Leo Leoni and his band mates CORELEONI, revisit “Alive”, recorded live during March 2022 within the “Rock Generation Tour 2022”. "Alive” is a pure Rock & Roll quintessential essence that reunites a line-up that includes many of the
early Gotthard and latest Coreleoni hits, such as, “Standing in The Light”, “Firedance”, “Purple Dynamite”, “Let Life Begin Tonight” and many more. The band delivers 100% of its energy and experience on stage, from vocalist Gent Bushpepa, that
convinces the public by reaching out with his unique personality, skills and technique giving a respectful interpretation of the songs which we all love. Jgor Gianola, former U.D.O and Gotthard guitarist, turned time back to adapt perfectly, like in the
early days, Leo’s, and the Gotthard unique style, bringing forward unforgettable memories, competence and sounds to enlighten past and new fans as well. Drummer Alex Motta and bassist Mila Merker, fulfil the CoreLeoni sound with unbeatable groove and energy, making the engine move like never before. After 3 studio albums that brought back the synergy and achieving immediate high ratings on local
and international platforms, “Alive” is the cherry on the cake for anyone that loves early Gotthard and the classic CoreLeoni sound!